Who likes coffee
There is no doubt that within your circle of family and friends this Christmas there will be a number who can be classified as coffee lovers. Thus, at this time of year it is necessary to don your thinking caps and try to come up with a suitable gift for these people. To help you on your way with this mission, the following groups contain ideas that might appeal to the coffee-lovers on your list.
Books about coffee
Maybe it is time for the coffee lover to learn more about the coffee they drink and its many unique and diverse uses. In this case, perhaps a little coffee time reading would be of interest. There are a number of books on the subject, from the serious and informative, to the light and easy.
Take for example The World Encyclopaedia of Coffee' Mary Banks, Christine McFadden and Christine Atkinson. Separated into two sections, this publication contains a wealth of information covering the history of coffee and other references in the first half. The second section is devoted to recipes that help to reveal the many drinks and foods that are coffee based. Second in this list of reading work is the connoisseurs Guide to Coffee' by Jon Thorn and Michael Segal, an inspiration work that takes the coffee lover on a journey to savour all of the world's premier coffee types. Additionally, this book takes one through the preparation process so that every cup made will be a work of art and as perfect as any served up in any restaurant.
A real coffee time book is The little book of Coffee tips' by Andrew Langley. With handy explanations of how to detect different coffee beans and other interesting articles, it makes an ideal addition to any coffee fanatics library, and is the sort of book you can peruse for a few minutes at a time.
Coffee liquors and chocolates
Naturally, any coffee lover will be excited to receive the real thing,' namely coffee beans. This gift can be made distinctive by including a range of different flavours for the coffee lover to experiment with their taste buds. You can also add extra delight to a gift by including one of the many coffee liquors or flavoured chocolates as well.
A coffee hamper would also make an unusual gift. In this present could be included a number of different coffee products, which might include varieties of coffee beans, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, deserts and other coffee based items.
The art of coffee
I wonder how many are aware of the art within the coffee bean. Not many I would guess. In fact, there is a company in the US that sells nothing but coffee art. This organisation, which can be found at http://www.justcoffeeart.com, uses coffee product to create all of the paintings and drawings on offer, producing the ultimate coffee lover’s gift.
Another artistic form of coffee gift is for jewellery. Why not purchase a bracelet, necklace or cufflinks incorporating original coffee beans as part of the design or inlays. This gift would be a real jewel in the coffee makers crown.
Other coffee gift ideas
If you search the high street, shopping malls and Internet, you will find a plethora of retailers offering coffee gifts, which range from mugs to percolators and coffee pots, many in unique and unusual designs. In addition, there are complete two-place china coffee sets and thermos that will suit every taste.
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However, even in this gift sector you may come across the unusual. For example, have you ever thought of purchasing a coffee backpack set? They are available and would make a fascinating gift for anyone, especially those who enjoy hiking and walking, or just want to have a supply of hot coffee to take to work with them.
Fulfil the coffee lovers dream
The number and extent of gifts available for the coffee lover is limited only by the givers imagination. With a little planning and thought, an original and unique coffee gift is not beyond the means or pocket of anyone.
Source: wikinut.com